Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Christmas Unwrapped

What is it about the Christmas season that makes it so stressful? Is it our own expectations? Where do these come from? I don’t really have an answer other than I guess life’s like that. And stuff like being ill with the ‘flu for a whole week doesn’t really help! Still, at this end of the celebrations I can say that actually it all went rather well. Presents were unwrapped, by the dozen it seemed; food was prepared and then eaten, with great enjoyment; everyone was on good form, despite my head feeling like someone had replaced my brain with cotton wool by the evening! There was no arguments, no drunken outbursts; no-one was ill or upset.  It was a very enjoyable day and for that I am grateful. I am also grateful for the ability to buy and enjoy new things, for the space to house toys and gifts, for the efficiency of our boiler and new home!

Of course in amongst all the traditions of the day we remember what it’s actually all about. I watched The Nativity on the BBC this year with great interest and a sense of wonder at the new lease of life given to one of the oldest stories. It was a fantastic reminder of just what we are celebrating: Jesus, God made man (or baby)!  Truly the people walking in darkness have seen a GREAT light.

However stressful our Christmas may or may not have been, we need to say a prayer for those whose Christmas has not gone to plan, or who didn’t have a plan in the first place due to lack of funds, home or family or perhaps due to poor health. I find that at the moment I am always being reminded of just how much we have and how important it is to be grateful for everything God gives us, including Jesus as a baby. 

I’m off to make space for the new toys by giving away lots of the old ones, and organising the recycling of the furniture we no longer need. I’m looking forward to the New Year, I hope you are too; may God bless you richly in 2011. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Christmas Letter

Well what a year 2010 has been! Lots of rubbish stuff but lots of amazing things too.  The year started at a busy pace but with a few resolutions to do things a bit differently, the intention being to give ourselves a bit of space. We spent a lovely weekend in London for Jon’s 30th birthday in February. And then in March everything was brought into very sharp focus by Jenni being rushed into hospital with severe anaemia for a blood transfusion.  It was a shock although not as much of a shock as what came next. My apologies for those who haven’t heard this story before and perhaps for those who have heard it all too often! Four days after being admitted to hospital the medical people ran a test which showed them a cancerous tumour on the wall of my bowel, and all of a sudden the world stopped. 

The next weeks passed in a total blur of waiting, waiting and more waiting while the Multi-disciplinary Committee (which I likened to the Council of War!) met to decide what the best course of action was going to be and then a flurry of tests and other meetings with the consultant, who is a very nice man, and suddenly a date for surgery. I went under the knife on 8th April and by 10th April both boys had gone down with Chicken Pox and Jon was suffering with a bad Chest Infection! We were all feeling the stress. The following month everything seemed to slow right down as, with the help of my fabulous parents and many other people, we were able to stop doing anything much other getting better. Jon went back to work and I took a lot of time to do even the smallest of tasks. But it was a real lesson in taking time and leaning on others. 

My birthday at the end of April was a good day and many of the days that followed were also good. The decision about Chemotherapy hung over us for a few weeks with a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. However after one particular Sunday service I felt that the message was ‘Make the decision and then trust Me’ and after that we were able to decide I wouldn’t have chemotherapy, and with that decision a real weight was lifted.

In July Jon’s Grandma sadly passed away. At 90 she was ready to go but we miss her very much. We went on holiday shortly afterwards and so the funeral was postponed while we did this. The peculiarity of the situation is that we ended up having a week in August which started with a funeral, ended with a Christening and had a wedding in between! It was an odd week.

It was about this time we were considering putting our house on the market. I had a few misgivings about it, so I prayed; before I’d really had time to think it through! In my head I said to God ‘If this is the right thing for us to do [to put our house on the market and buy something else bigger] then the first people to view the house will make an offer’. And less than a week later they did. Remarkably! And yet why was it so remarkable?! We were utterly blown away by such a clear, obvious, exciting, positive answer to prayer.  And so began another whirlwind few months! In a housing market where nothing much was being sold and not many people were moving, it was a day short of 10 weeks from putting our house on the market to moving into our new place. 10 weeks!! 

So, this year, of all years to date, has been unexpected, tragic, exhilarating, expensive, amazing, and awe-inspiring. In amongst it all the boys have grown, becoming more independent than they were a year ago. They continue to be a blessing in many ways.
 And of course God is unchanging, unfathomable, uncontainable and yet interested in us and what makes us tick, loves us with an ultimate love impossible for us to see the end of.
Truly this year has been God’s year.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Life is a Battlefield...

And then some! You know, life is a struggle; the pursuit of happiness can, at times, feel completely futile; the stuff that happens outside of our control can take us on a rollercoaster ride that makes us want to shout: STOP now! You know this, I know this, and yet when we find ourselves on that rollercoaster we’re somehow surprised. We’re surprised because of what I like to call ‘The Great Con’ this being the notion that living life is all about being ‘happy’ and living uncomplicated lives in which everything goes to plan, all is within our control and there’s ALWAYS a happy ending.  In each and every family there are stories which tell us this is not the case; that reality is very different.

I believe that as a Christian I inhabit both a physical and a spiritual realm. The struggles that we come up against are both physical and spiritual and the way we deal with them impacts in both arenas. This is an area of deep theological discussion and disagreement between Christians and non-Christians alike, and I don’t pretend to have answers to it, just a viewpoint which helps me make sense of the things happening around us.
This past week my Mum has been waiting for results from a biopsy taken at the breast cancer screening clinic. Yes, on top of the aftermath of my own bowel cancer discovered 6 months ago; we were faced with the possibility of a second cancer diagnosis in much less than a year. At this point I should apologise to those in the family who didn’t know, we really didn’t tell many people at all. Mum was keen that we should not panic or involve too many until we knew the results, and the results are all clear. No cancer! 

What a week then! What a year. I feel pulled and pushed about, I feel knocked down, I feel like it would be easier just to curl up in a corner and allow the world to carry on around me without trying to make an impact. But this is not really the person I am. I will continue to tell people how good God is; I will continue to battle with my enemy in the name of God; I will continue to pray for people to be healed and to be drawn closer to God. And hear this, those spiritual powers who will continue to plague me and make my life a struggle, I will not stop. And do you know what? With the God of the universe on my side, we will always win.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Life in Chaos!

We moved! Who knew a modest 2 bed end of terrace could contain SO much stuff. We had some fantastic help from some fabulous friends and family who were just brilliant on the day (as well as being amazing most of the rest of the time!) and so we managed to get all our stuff out of one house and into another within 9 hours. And so begins the chaos of getting straight. 

Still, we have a lovely new house with plenty of space for the boys to 'grow into' and many possibilities in terms of where to put stuff, hopefully a lot less stuff than we actually moved in the end!

So the end result is a sense of thankfulness that lingers, and gives an aura of calm in amidst the chaos. God is indeed good.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

99 secrets to life

I saw this idea somewhere else and liked it so thought I'd do my own version! It would be nice to hear of anything you'd put in that maybe I've missed...

001 Have faith in God
002 Belly laugh everyday
003 Build a snowman every year
004 Play with your children often
005 Say I Love You a lot
006 Keep learning
007 Take regular walks
008 Eat chocolate
009 Dress up as much as you can
010 Dance like no-one’s watching
011 Bread is Good
012 Wear odd socks
013 Salute the sun
014 Sing sing sing
015 Lick the spoon
016 Look for rainbows
017 Get wellies muddy
018 Make your own cupcakes
019 Read lots of books
020 Don’t buy cheap stuff
021 Trust yourself
022 Trust God
023 Wear Fairtrade
024 Drink wine out of wine glasses
025 Write letters to friends
026 Keep secrets
027 Make fond memories
028 Live in the moment
029 Get lost sometimes
030 Champagne is the answer
031 Have a picnic everyday
032 Smile like you mean it
033 Everything in moderation
034 including moderation
035 Respect your Elders
036 Pick wildflowers
037 Grow roses
038 Play music loudly
039 Speak to your friends often
040 Celebrate every birthday
041 Take a lot of pictures
042 Ask about your family history
043 Keep in touch with your siblings
044 Be neighbourly
045 Stay healthy
046 Take your vitamins
047 Drink good wine
048 Recycle with style
049 Wear clean underwear
050 Keep it real
051 Snuggle in a duvet
052 Don’t believe the hype
053 Buy new underwear regularly
054 Have deep conversations
055 Pray regularly
056 Share your chocolate
057 Watch the sun rise
058 Visit the beach often
059 Make new friends
060 Give money to charity
061 Cook for your friends
062 Play car games
063 Read your Bible
064 Say Thank You
065 Eat good food
066 Buy yourself flowers
067 Learn to forgive
068 Ring your Mum
069 Use words wisely
070 Get creative
071 Play like a child
072 Make ideas happen
073 Use good sunblock
074 Eat your veg
075 Smile if you’re skint
076 De-clutter
077 Don’t hold a grudge
078 Be generous
079 Hug a lot of people
080 Be confident
081 Take risks
082 Laugh at yourself
083 Eat and drink Fairtrade
084 Little stuff counts
085 Make an effort
086 Wear shoes that fit properly
087 Say I’m sorry
088 Go camping
089 Spend time with those you love
090 Walk barefoot
091 Star gaze at night
092 Know when to stop
093 Eat breakfast in bed
094 Get to know your spouse
095 Drink good tea
096 Only God knows it all
097 Paddle in the sea
098 Climb a mountain
099 Live a rich life