Thursday, 21 October 2010

99 secrets to life

I saw this idea somewhere else and liked it so thought I'd do my own version! It would be nice to hear of anything you'd put in that maybe I've missed...

001 Have faith in God
002 Belly laugh everyday
003 Build a snowman every year
004 Play with your children often
005 Say I Love You a lot
006 Keep learning
007 Take regular walks
008 Eat chocolate
009 Dress up as much as you can
010 Dance like no-one’s watching
011 Bread is Good
012 Wear odd socks
013 Salute the sun
014 Sing sing sing
015 Lick the spoon
016 Look for rainbows
017 Get wellies muddy
018 Make your own cupcakes
019 Read lots of books
020 Don’t buy cheap stuff
021 Trust yourself
022 Trust God
023 Wear Fairtrade
024 Drink wine out of wine glasses
025 Write letters to friends
026 Keep secrets
027 Make fond memories
028 Live in the moment
029 Get lost sometimes
030 Champagne is the answer
031 Have a picnic everyday
032 Smile like you mean it
033 Everything in moderation
034 including moderation
035 Respect your Elders
036 Pick wildflowers
037 Grow roses
038 Play music loudly
039 Speak to your friends often
040 Celebrate every birthday
041 Take a lot of pictures
042 Ask about your family history
043 Keep in touch with your siblings
044 Be neighbourly
045 Stay healthy
046 Take your vitamins
047 Drink good wine
048 Recycle with style
049 Wear clean underwear
050 Keep it real
051 Snuggle in a duvet
052 Don’t believe the hype
053 Buy new underwear regularly
054 Have deep conversations
055 Pray regularly
056 Share your chocolate
057 Watch the sun rise
058 Visit the beach often
059 Make new friends
060 Give money to charity
061 Cook for your friends
062 Play car games
063 Read your Bible
064 Say Thank You
065 Eat good food
066 Buy yourself flowers
067 Learn to forgive
068 Ring your Mum
069 Use words wisely
070 Get creative
071 Play like a child
072 Make ideas happen
073 Use good sunblock
074 Eat your veg
075 Smile if you’re skint
076 De-clutter
077 Don’t hold a grudge
078 Be generous
079 Hug a lot of people
080 Be confident
081 Take risks
082 Laugh at yourself
083 Eat and drink Fairtrade
084 Little stuff counts
085 Make an effort
086 Wear shoes that fit properly
087 Say I’m sorry
088 Go camping
089 Spend time with those you love
090 Walk barefoot
091 Star gaze at night
092 Know when to stop
093 Eat breakfast in bed
094 Get to know your spouse
095 Drink good tea
096 Only God knows it all
097 Paddle in the sea
098 Climb a mountain
099 Live a rich life

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The Cyclical Life

Forget the 28 day cycle of many females and their households; ours seems to be on a 6-8week cycle! We seem to get up to 8 weeks of good sleeping of both boys through the night and then something changes. These last 8 weeks have been blissful, both children asleep by 8pm (give or take) and then asleep until 7.30am. Fantastic. Then two things: Solomon is ill and awake in the middle of the night, which is so very rare for him it shows you how ill he was feeling; and Freddie went away for the weekend. And since then we’ve had disturbed nights, so far 3 and counting!

Now I know a lot of people who have disturbed nights every night with small children so this is not a plea for sympathy. My point is much more about the cycles of life and how important it is to be able to say ‘this too will pass’. As I get further on in life I realise that just as nothing is really new, so it is too that nothing is permanent and we have to count our blessings as we go.

So we will be thankful that our children do sleep well generally; thankful that we have medicines which can make them feel better when they don’t and hopeful that this cycle of illness passes soon.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Thank Crunchie It's Friday!

This week has been a LONG one! Always the way when you look forward too much... What am I looking forward to? A relatively child free weekend and the chance to sort out the loft and buy a new cooker for our new home. We're moving house hopefully at the end of this month in half term, it's all rather tentative though as we still haven't exchanged contracts. It'll be lovely to have more space but I'm in danger I think of the old 'Once this happens everything will be better' syndrome. I want to have more time for socialising, for my children and husband, for learning new skills like the aforementioned sewing! Where is all this time going to come from? Just because we'll have more physical living space doesn't automatically qualify us for more time in the day (though wouldn't that be just amazing?!). These things I want to do will need deliberate programming in to our timetable, and I suspect it'll be a little while at least before we get straight enough for any of it to start. Still, it's good to have the goal and if you're fairly local to us, watch this space for your invitation to be sociable!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Today's another day

Today is a different sort of day. Today I am coping with tired children, trying to balance the need for them to sleep with the timing of the sleep and, with one of them at least, failing! I've also spent a lot of the morning at work feeling very bad that I didn't get to Freddie's first Harvest Festival. I comforted myself with thinking I hadn't promised to be there and he probably wouldn't notice, only for him to say 'You didn't come Mummy'! 

So much of life is about balance. Sometimes we get it right and other times not. I can only hope that my husband will forgive me for Solomon sleeping late in the day and therefore probably not being as tired as he should be by 7pm, and that Freddie will forgive me for missing out on the Harvest Festival. That is an endearing thing about children, they forgive and forget.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Confessions of a (newly created) size 15

Ever been clothes shopping having changed size and/or shape? I suspect that I'm not the only one, by a very long way! This is the year I lost about 4 stone and am now around 5 stone lighter than my heaviest. I don't know whether I'll be able to maintain this loss indefinitely but I'm going to try. Having been a size 20/22 just over a year ago, I went shopping today because my size 16 jeans are too big, uncomfortably so. Is it too much to ask to find a style and cut that looks good in my size?

What I want to know is this: if I wanted to make my own clothes could I make a decent pair of jeans? Or should I just keep trying to find the perfect pair of ready-made?