Monday, 28 February 2011

All in a days work

So today I returned to teaching, in a completely different capacity! Still secondary, still teenagers but as a visitor: a Christian visitor, there to tell the class what Christians believe about God. And I quickly discovered that although there were times when I really enjoyed my job when I was teaching, I was always frustrated by the inability to talk about my faith with the kids I was teaching. Now I can teach RE and say ‘Because I am a Christian I believe this…’ and it is GOOD!

Today I started a 6 lesson block on The Christian Faith, based on a fantastic resource written by YFC. It’s a scheme of work based on the Alpha course material so is very accessible and YFC have done a great job in making it ‘school friendly’. I and my colleagues are teaching 11 classes of both yr 7 & yr 8 up until Easter.

 I love working with young people, they are amazing especially en masse and in school uniform! So be prepared for some anecdotes and random quotes from a bunch of yr 7 & 8’s in the next 6 weeks. And whilst enjoying the stories, pray for these kids and us!

Here’s a selection of today’s comments:
“I believe in God because I prayed for an Xbox 360 and got one!”
“Gravity is what holds us together”
Me [to a volunteer who had been blindfolded outside the classroom at approx. 9.10am]: All your classmates have gone home. They’ve all left every one of them. Do you believe me?
Volunteer: Yes [wrong answer!]

Thursday, 24 February 2011

On a lighter note...

What a day! We’ve all had those random days when all sorts of things happen that have us veering from one emotion to another. Today was like that.

This morning I spent an hour in our prayer room and felt God speaking about a few different things. The unity of Christians for one thing; and our Community centre and its role for another. I was asked to do a talk at our youth club in their Ethics series and then went to work. Once I began lesson planning I realise something about God’s timing: it’s always significant! Now I think I knew this before but it has been re-enforced by the fact that this term I will be teaching about What Christians believe about Prayer in the week that marks a year since my cancer diagnosis. Man, what a week that’s going to be! The message to my husband revealing the enormity of this fact is greeted by a reply text message: ‘on a lighter note Grandma has just given us 3kg of liquorice wheels’!

I laughed out loud at the sheer peculiar-ness of this. On the one hand real deep feeling about the cancer and God’s amazing timing (on lots of levels); on the other hand the idea of 3kg of liquorice being handed over to my hubby by his tiny Grandma…

As I carry on at work I am drawn to contemplate on the issue of what happens when a prayer warrior goes to be with her maker; where does that leave those she was praying for? I don’t know and my reflections haven’t moved me further on (yet). I come home and whilst on the treadmill Jon arrives home with the boys. Freddie has been sick! So half an hour of dealing with the aftermath of sick and putting dinner on for us and a friend who is joining us is followed by relative calm over dinner. 

Having done all of that I then went out to gospel choir rehearsal and sang my heart out for a couple of hours. Love it. 

What a day! What a mish-mash of so much, from one end of the spectrum to the other. I love how God is involved in all that we do, from revealing some of his infinite wisdom to us to the fun of 3kg of liquorice.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

Man, have I been busy this week; in fact I think this is probably the busiest I’ve been since the cancer diagnosis stopped me in my tracks last year.  A lot of work, (not all of that good) a lot of family, (all of that good) and spending time with friends too; then there’s Gospel Choir, Mums and Toddlers, food shopping, washing clothes and feeding small people… Phew! It’s no wonder I feel rather like I’ve been through the mangle this week!

Events of this past 12 months have made me more aware of my limitations. After the operation in April I had a period of about 3 months in which I could do next to nothing whilst my body healed. Having been a busy person before I was anxious to get back into all the stuff I had been doing and did so, rather too quickly! By August I was suffering again: still anaemic and boy did I feel it. After being prayed for I decided to stop much of what I was trying to do, to give my body time to recover properly and to try and prevent myself from taking on too much in the long term too. I found it very difficult to cut back but very quickly started to feel much better. And this week has shown me just how busy life could get again and how unsustainable that would be!

I am itching to do something more; especially as most of what I gave up was Church related and I believe that church members should be contributing to the life of the church, unless unable to. But I need to really find the right thing to get back into and to do it in a way that will be sustainable.

Lord, I want to be useful! And for a long time, not just a flash… So here I am Lord, send me.